Look-Act-Reduce plastic pollution!

Join the three simple step movement “Look-Act-Reduce” to break free from plastic.

Global Plastic Treaty Petition

Plastic is a growing crisis for the environment, human health, human rights, biodiversity, and the climate — global actions to address it are urgently needed. On March 2, 2022, the United Nations approved a landmark agreement to create the world’s first-ever global plastics pollution treaty, adopted upon the conclusion of the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2). The global plastic treaty is an opportunity to get it right. It has the potential to be one of the most significant environmental agreements in history.

Call on your governments to let them know that we need a strong and effective global plastic treaty that meaningfully addresses all aspects of the plastic crisis.


The world demands an ambitious global treaty to end the age of plastic

As the work of the intergovernmental negotiating committee begins in earnest, the Break Free From Plastic movement urges governments to step up to this historic opportunity to end the plastic pollution crisis. The justification for the decision to adopt a legally binding agreement that covers the entire lifecycle of plastics is clear: Humanity has already breached planetary and ecological limits on pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss.

Urgent action, dramatic interventions, and systemic transformation are required to avert the escalating threats to human health and the accelerating breakdown of the planet’s life support systems.
For the Global Plastics Treaty to be effective in reversing the tide of plastic pollution and contributing to the end of the triple planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, we call on governments to ensure that the emerging instrument includes: Significant, progressive, and mandatory targets to cap and dramatically reduce virgin plastic production, legally binding, time-bound and ambitious targets to implement and scale up reuse, refill, and alternative product delivery systems, a just transition to safer and more sustainable livelihoods for workers and communities across the plastics supply chain, and provisions that hold polluting corporations and plastic producing countries accountable.